Being born and raised in the south, there is nothing like celebrating traditions and reflecting on fond memories at family gatherings. These are the times you can always find someone in the kitchen serving up some southern hospitality and good ol' soul food, with a glass of sweet tea to wash it all down. The sounds of rhythm and blues can be heard throughout the house and even out in the yard where the children play. I especially recall those visits to the country... the long scenic drive down, the dusty white picket fence, the gravel driveway, the old dog that was too tired to bark just lying in the shade, and the chickens running around in the front yard (no lie, just keeping it real). I also remember not ever wanting to get out of the car when we arrived.
Well, the "Southern Girl" concept was born out of my own personal experiences, because after all, I am a Southern Girl. Early on I knew this shoot would require energy and personality that matched mine. I met our model, De'Jah, several months ago during a chance meeting to discuss the vision for her upcoming senior shoot. We connected almost immediately, and I knew that she was the one with the right energy for my vision. Since I ALWAYS take full advantage of every opportunity to tell people what we do, I mentioned our passion for concepts and what we had coming down the pike, and she was excited to be a part!
Now, the whole idea for the shoot was for it to have a really simple southern theme, sprinkled with a sassy urban vibe. She definitely accomplished the goal! It was SO easy and SO much fun working with her! From our chats about hair, wardrobe, accessories, and the little nuances needed to complete the look, De'Jah was super easy going. It was an absolutely beautiful summer day, but hey ANY day is a great day for a photo shoot right? Check out a few images from the "Southern Girl" concept below...
Stay tuned... I believe there will be more to come from the TEAM and De'Jah VERY SOON!
Thank you SO much for visiting our blog. Keep up with the Team at Photography by Sean Ponder by visiting our website at or on FaceBook at (Like our page!). You can also follow us on InstaGram at
Until next time, Peace, Love and Light!
The Creative Director

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